Esthetic Services
Customized Facials
Every Facial is a one-hour service that is completely customized to the individual client's needs.
I am a type-A provider and will complete a skin analysis. Give you a comprehensive overview of what would be best for you and any other optional treatments that may better suit the results we need to achieve.
Each Facial includes Exfoliation, mask, massage and mask. Each of those steps customized to what was found in the skin analysis.
Chemical Peels
There are many different types of chemical peels. Each suited for a different skin type or targeted issue.
They are poorly named, so let me explain. The chemical is not chemicals being used. We use organic acids like lemons, limes, mulberries etc. The chemical refers to chemical exfoliation i.e.. something breaking something else down using an acidic formula. The peel is that your skin will peel off but just as the dust in your home is skin cells it isn't that you see yourself peeling. This is the same thing. You will peel. That doesn't mean it will be visible.
Chemical peels can be done with no downtime to a week of downtime depending on which one we select after thorough consultation. Chemical Peels help with fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, scarring breakouts and pigmentation.
Microdermabrasion has the same outcome as the chemical peel (please read above).
It differs in that as opposed to a chemical reaction happening in the skin microdermabrasion is a physical exfoliation.
If you don't know if you need microdermabrasion or chemical peel, book either one. I will decide once I analyze the skin. I will educate you on what would be best and why.
HydroClean Dermabrasion
If you always seem to have congestion, clogged pores, blackheads OR continuous breakouts
it's time to up your treatment game. This treatment combines a chemical peel agent applied to the skin through an oxygenated spray which makes the molecules smaller and forces their way into the skin more deeply. The solutions is then removed in a dual process of microdermabrasion as well as a waterjet that simultaneously deep cleans and exfoliates. Ultrasound waves break up the gunk that washing alone would never be able to erase. The treatment ends with a cooling wand and moisturizer that leaves you glowing with the softest and clearest skin.
Some purging may happen after the first treatment because of the depth this machine reaches compared to other treatments. It is not meant for people with inflamed acne.
HydroLift Dermabrasion Elite
If you want to take charge of your aging process this treatment is for you.
A HydroLift Dermabrasion Elite is one of the most powerful non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments on the market. This approach using seven modalities to lighten, brighten and anti-age. After cleansing the skin, we begin spraying it with a solution similar to a chemical peel or vitamin solutions based on your skins needs. Then it is time to use the function of the machine that combines Microdermabrasion removal of skin while simultaneously delivering moisture. Next the ultrasonic scrubber uses wavelengths to break up the buildup on and in your skin that normal washing cannot do. A cool jelly mask is applied to cool the skin and add many benefits including antioxidants. Radio Frequency is then applied. Radio Frequency is a wavelength of energy that does not heat the top layer of skin but heats underneath to produce collagen which leads to lifting, tightening, firming, softening fine lines and depuffing the eye area. Then on to Ultrasound! Ultrasound creates clear, radiant looking skin while producing collagen without the irritation of more topical solutions and toning the facial muscles. The skin will then be moisturized and soothed with a cooling wand to close pores and seal in the moisture. See why I named it Elite? Wait till you see the results!
Please discontinue the use of acids and exfoliators three days prior to your appointment. You can do this as a super refresher or for building more collagen and lifting the skin it is best to do this treatment every month for four months.
You are not a candidate for this service if you have Pacemaker, Cancer, bacterial infection, kidney disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Rosacea, Spider veins, active acne, pregnant.
Airbrush Tanning
All color is customized to give you a real-tan color.
Shave & exfoliate prior to your appointment.
Contrary to what you hear please wear bod lotion or oil, it's like a primer for your skin. It makes the color lay more evenly.
The only exception to the body lotion or oil is once the humidly is high. The skip it.
Deodorant is also fine to wear.
Do not wear makeup to your appointment.
12-hour processing time before showering will give you one week tan
24 hours, or closer to, will give you about a week and a half.
Wear dark colored clothes home from appointment and because you are sticky loose is usually more comfortable.
Thats it! It's that easy!
Laser Hair Removal
six to nine treatments are needed for a seventy - ninety percent reduction of the hair.
Results vary by the color of your skin and hair, and we will discuss this at length before we do your first treatment.
Please come in with the area to be treated shaved that day or the day prior.
Treatments every three to five weeks on face
Treatments every four to six weeks on body
Non-Surgical Neck Lift
six treatments total
treatments every two to three weeks
Results begin to show after treatment two and continue for nine months post treatments as collagen is created.